You need to keep your patients' electronic data secure to meet both HIPAA and Meaningful Use requirements, but of course beyond that, it is the right thing to do. Your patients entrust you with sensitive information that could be used by criminals to wreck their credit and to provide private medical information to employers or others that they didn't want made public.
An objective for Meaningful Use requires doctors to protect electronic health information created or maintained by the certified EHR technology through the implementation of appropriate technical capabilities. They don't specifically state what those "appropriate technical capabilities" are so that you can choose the appropriate ones for your practice now, and as technology changes, you can change with it.
The HIPAA Security Rule lists four types of safeguards you must implement. They are administrative safeguards, physical safeguards, organizational standards and policies and procedures. Part of the administrative safeguard is a security risk analysis. This isn't something you do once and you're done; it is ongoing and must be revisited at least annually. It isn't something you can just delegate to your EHR vendor. You can find details in the Guide to Privacy and Security of Electronic Health Information from Especially look at Chapter 4.
Cyber security, or security through the Internet, is an important part of mitigating risk. In order to send electronic claims, e-prescribe, send C-CDAs to your patients' portals, and use the Infobutton to obtain educational material, Internet access is required.
Good hosting facilities protect your data with secure firewalls such as Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances (ASAs) and with Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Safe practices include using anti-virus software and limiting the websites your staff members can access to only those that are necessary for the software to function and for claims to be sent. Good hosting facilities will load the latest software and firmware updates for all digital devices.
In your office potential threats can come from email and other websites onto your PCs and your server, if you host your own software. Email can carry viruses and phishing attempts. Phishing, according to TechTarget SearchSecurity, is "a form of fraud in which the attacker tries to learn information such as login credentials or account information by masquerading as a reputable entity or person in email, IM or other communication channels." Ransomware can be hiding in a link or attachment in an email. Ransomware is malware that stops you from using your computer until you pay the ransom. It can encrypt files or stop certain applications from running. There is no guarantee that paying the ransom will correct the problems it created. Websites can be sources of viruses and other types of malware.
How can you avoid these threats? Teach your staff members not to click on anything that looks suspicious whether it is an attachment in an email or a link. Keep your anti-virus software up-to-date. Load updates to your operating system and to your firmware on digital devices. Give users only the access they need to do their work Limit surfing the web and other non-work activities to keep your data, PCs and network safe.
At KeyMedical Software we help ophthalmology practices get paid quickly and easily, handle Meaningful Use and MIPS, and keep your patients returning without the practice having to spend a lot of money or have computer specialists on staff.
Travertine Flooring Versus Porcelain Tile
Travertine flooring is a type of stone flooring which is made with natural sedimentary rock from limestone, unlike porcelain tiles. It is more commonly called onyx marble or Egyptian alabaster. Travertine is formed when minerals in the ground are disintergrated in the ground water, which is forced to the surface by natural springs, rivers, and even pushed above ground from geysers. When limestone is pressurized it becomes travertine, which is one step under becoming marble. As a matter of fact Travertine flooring tiles look very similar to expensive marble tiles.
Manufactures cut the travertine into floor tiles, then polish, and finish them. The finished Travertine flooring tiles have a measure of hardness of 3 or 4 rating, which makes them more durable. This makes them much better to use than porcelain tiles.
Travertine tiles were first used by the Romans for very high traffic areas in their homes and other public buildings. However, in today's high tech society it is also used on counter tops and wall coverings, as well as showers.
Porcelain tiles are priced at an affordable price, however, with today's hard times and the economy the way it is Travertine flooring tiles are going to be the same price if not lower. With porcelain tiles the installers have to use a grout line to fill up the spaces between each tile. With Travertine flooring tiles there is only a 1/16th gap between each tile; so only a very small grout line is required. This will greatly decrease the amount of grout that has to be used, and the smaller grout line, the better it makes the floor look.
Travertine tiles used in floors and walls are becoming increasingly popular. People that have seen a home designed with Travertine are asking their local home improvement store to order different types of Travertine tiles; since they can come from the manufacturer in black, beige, white, gold, and rustic reds, as well as many other colors. Although porcelain tiles look very good, however, a Travertine flooring tile adds that marble look to your home, and is much more fashionable.
Because of this marble look Travertine flooring adds a great deal of market value on the real estate market. With the look of marble in your home can you imagine what sort of changes you could make if you remodeled your current home with Travertine flooring. Because Travertine is not very expensive, home building contractors are beginning to use Travertine much more than ever before because of the increase in a finished homes value.
If you have never seen Travertine used in floors you should drive to your local home improvement store and take a look at the difference between Travertine flooring versus porcelain tiles.
Looking for a quick option that'll enable you to easily transform any surface luxurious? Try Garden Stones And Pebbles Tiles remodeling. The most incredible thing about these natural panels is that no matter what you do, the result is almost always pleasant and appealing. Want to learn more about how to transform your home contemporary and luxurious? Read the following review.
To make a long story short: Garden Stones And Pebbles Tiles redecoration is based on unified smooth stones glued onto a 12" x 12" mesh back. The source of these stones varies as we may find them along rivers and beaches; however the most popular ones are originated from S.E Asia. You can practically tile anywhere and for any purpose: 1) Kitchens 2) Bathrooms 3) Floors and Walls 4) Patio flooring 5) Countertops etc.
When we examine the advantages and benefits provided by this technique, we find the following:
* Durable to any extreme temperatures such as around fireplaces and stoves for example.
* Their surfaces are flush and in fact, are safer to walk on than most conventional hard flooring as they offer more traction to prevent slipping.
* Can be used for dry surfaces as well as wet surfaces such as shower flooring or as a sink backsplash.
Practical tips & advices!
* To appreciate the beauty of these 'Nature-Made' panels, it is recommended on removing the excess grout with a wet sponge. After all, you want to expose as much of the stones as possible.
* Avoid using any ready-made grout on wet areas like shower floor/backsplashes - use any other standard dry powder based cement.
* Upon completion, it is important to wait the adhesive's recommended drying time before you begin on grouting.
There are plenty other great advantages provided by this simple redesigning method simply because any average and unprofessional home-maker can do it easily by him/herself.
Quick summary
It can be quite fun and create a genuine feeling of pride when you work with this quick Garden Stones And Pebbles Tiles solution For a successful installation it is advised to keep these tips and advices once you are ready to start with the installation process.
Computer Security Systems
Computer security is an essential part of any computer system. It is an aspect of computer science that deals with all the associated risks that come with computer use and involves many techniques. Protection of the system can be enhanced by securing crypto processors. There are list techniques like capability and access control that ensure separation and control over indiscriminate access. Backups are very important in any security system. Antivirus programs and firewalls also work toward ensuring security.
Computers are an easy target, as they contain important personal information that can be easily misused by people who make hacking their main job. Hackers are mainly looking to ride piggyback on someone else's time and money. So any information regarding your Internet access, your hard disk, your processorthey're all of immense use to them.
Hackers break into a computer using emails with encrypted virus coding in them. Once these emails are opened the program goes active and the intruder has then gained sufficient access to read all your personal and business related information. Passwords too get decoded by this program, and your system is then vulnerable to any bug attack.
One way of preventing this is to abstain from reading emails that look unfamiliar. Any information that you download should be put thorough a virus check and then opened. Backup of all your sensitive data is very essential. And all this should be kept in external storage devices. Antivirus programs are very smart and most can easily trick a computer system into finding nothing wrong with their system. Ensure that your virus software has facilities like self-updating; updating of new signatures of viruses, etc. Make sure your antivirus program does most of the clean-up work for you.
Take the time to understand the threat to your security. Speak to professionals who can guide and advise you on programs to install.
Here's hoping you don't have too many hiccups in your computer system.
I. Introduction:
Random (adj): a: lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern. b: made, done, or chosen at random c: relating to, having, or being elements or events with definite probability of occurrence. d: being or relating to a set or to an element of a set each of whose elements has equal probability of occurrence. [Oxford English Dictionary]
Before commencing deep discussion of the art of "true randomality", it must first be made clear that true randomness is theoretically impossible by the defining principals of our universe. The definition above clearly defines the paradox that surrounds the concept of randomality when subject to probability. In essence we will claim that "truly random" is the state in which for a given set A, for any i, element in A, i if chosen at random, has a probability of [1/|A|] (where |x| denotes cardinality of the set) of occurrence. This is how we judge the "randomness" of a Random Number Generator (RNG(s)), by its ability to exploit probability; given a set A, a perfect RNG will not repeat an element before the set is exhausted; described as the period of a generator, its point of repetition.
It must be noted that defining a choice as random is a classification that relies on pure ignorance of the causes and events that result in the ultimate choice With that aside, the philosophical discussion of "true randomness" will be left behind. The remainder of the discussion will judge "true randomness" as stated above; perfect probabilistic distribution over a given finite field. Although such distribution has never been possible with the various algorithms being discussed, (meaning such a distribution could not be perfect on every occurrence of a specific algorithm) relatively good distribution suffices.
I.i Various Uses of Random Number Generators:
Random numbers have a multitude of applications. Of particular interest to this study and intended future studies by the author is Cryptography. Many cryptographic protocols make use of RNGs, particularly, public key cryptography (RSA) and some implementations of symmetric ciphers (DES, Serpent). Besides cryptographic function however, RNGs are used in Simulations, for the realistic recreation of "natural" occurrences; in this case, computer games are qualified as simulations, in which RNGs are heavily used in conjunction with probability weights (Gaussian). They're also used for integrity testing on various computer applications during development, even hardware tests, such as GPU to memory pipelines on AGP based graphic cards. Among those mentioned are many other uses and purposes for the development and "perfection" of making truly random choices.
I.ii Brief Algorithm Introduction:
Random number generating algorithms come in multiple flavors; these can be separated into two main groups, linear number generators (LNG(s)) and non-linear number generators (NLNG(s)). Each group contains multiple types of RNGs and each of these, have their purpose and uses. It is important to know that although not all generators are made equal, good generators have purposes for which other good generators are not suited to perform.
I.ii.a Linear Number Generators:
Linear Congruential Generators (LCG(s)) deserve first mention purely on the basis of ubiquity. LCGs and their various spawns and modifications are used in various applications. The LNGs in their purest form are nearly as predictable as the Fibonacci Sequence. These are seeded generators that make their "choices" - if that can be said - linearly in the given finite field, based on their seed. The come in more flavors that most other generator types, no doubt, due to the simplicity of modifying the algorithm for specific purposes.
I.ii.b Non-Linear Number Generators:
The Inversive Congruential Generator (ICG(s)) and the Explicit Inversive Congruential Generator (EICG(s)) are the two main focuses in this category. These generators are non-linear (as implied), and therefore are not predictable the way that LNGs are. Also mentioned in the non-linear group is the Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR(s)) generator. This generator, although linear, as implied by its name, carries the principles of Non-Linear Generators in its implementation; so much so, that LFSRs closely resemble their non-linear counter parts, Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register generators. The details of the history of Feedback Shift Registers go slightly beyond the scope of this paper however a brief introduction to the principals of feedback functions and shift registers is given in parallel with the LFSR discussion.